“Sully” stars Tom Hanks, Aaron Eckhart, Laura Linney, and Anna Gunn. Released on September 9, 2016, the film is about a veteran US Airway pilot who is deemed a hero after making a successful landing on the Hudson River, saving the lives of the crew and passengers. The film is directed by Clint Eastwood, who also directed films such as Unforgiven, Million Dollar Baby, and American Sniper. It is based on the autobiography “Highest Duty” by Chesley Sullenberger and Jeffrey Zaslow. The Oscar season has officially started, and the first contender that may have a chance to reach the gold is a biopic about Chesley Sullenberger and his impossible, yet heroic, deed of saving the lives of his passengers and his crew after his plane lost both engines. Tom Hanks has been impressing me in almost every film I’ve seen and I thought Clint Eastwood did a great job with American Sniper back in 2014. So seeing them working on a film together should earn them another chance to go for the gold, right? My hunch says yes. The story focuses on what happened after the Flight 1549 incident, which took place on January 15, 2009, along with some flashbacks of different parts in Sully’s life, including the incident. The film isn’t exactly about the title character’s entire life. It’s about him during and after the incident, which clocks in at a respectable 96 minutes. I thought it is exactly how it needs to tell, exploring how Sully feels after doing something that might either save people’s lives or doom them. Clint Eastwood delivered a simple true story about the act of heroism that will touch the hearts of many viewers, including myself. Tom Hanks was once again brilliant as the calm, yet vulnerable, Sullenberger. I wouldn’t be surprised if he earned another Oscar nomination for his performance. Aaron Eckhart, who portrays Jeff Skiles, was very entertaining and very likable in the film, and his chemistry with Hanks was handled very well. The way Eastwood created his vision of the story was remarkable, especially the Flight 1549 sequences. I wouldn’t consider it memorable or anything, but it does its job at paying tribute to Chesley Sullenberger’s courageous act. If there’s one problem that I had with the film, it would be its ending. I don’t know, maybe I just wanted to see what happens next. Overall, Tom Hanks and Clint Eastwood delivered a simple, inspiring story about heroism in the form of “Sully”, thanks to its strong performances, its well-executed plot, and its Flight 1549 sequences. It might not earn a lot of nominations at the Oscars, but if the film’s goal is to inspire people, it got its job done. If you’re a fan of inspirational films and Tom Hanks, you’ll definitely like this film a lot. A-
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