Ed, Edd n Eddy: A Sea of Adventure
Based on the 2016 film, "Moana" directed by Ron Clements and John Musker
When Rolf becomes homesick, the Eds and their friends attempt to cheer him up by bringing him back to his homeland. But an unexpected event causes them to go on a perilous quest with the high-spirited daughter of a Polynesian cheif, a trio of colorful birds, and a demigod to prevent the darkness from annihilating everyone and everything, including Rolf's home.
When Rolf becomes homesick, the Eds and their friends attempt to cheer him up by bringing him back to his homeland. But an unexpected event causes them to go on a perilous quest with the high-spirited daughter of a Polynesian cheif, a trio of colorful birds, and a demigod to prevent the darkness from annihilating everyone and everything, including Rolf's home.
Rating: PG (for intense sequences of action, scary images, brief thematic elements, and some rude humor)