“Baby Driver” stars Ansel Elgort, Kevin Spacey, Lily James, Jon Bernthal, Eiza González, Jon Hamm, and Jamie Foxx. Released on June 28, 2017, the film is about a young getaway driver who must perform one last job in order to live a normal life. The film is directed by Edgar Wright, who also directed films such as A Fistful of Fingers, Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, and The World’s End. After finishing off the Three Flavours Cornetto trilogy with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, Edgar Wright decided to move away from the weirdness of zombies, cops, and aliens and dive into a more simple, yet thrilling, action-packed ride. Edgar Wright has been known for his critically acclaimed comedies that combine clever storytelling with clever laughs, as seen in his Cornetto trilogy. He’s also no stranger in adding a little bit of action into the mix, as seen in Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (my favorite Wright film), so having him direct an action film like this should make it a whole lot interesting. That strategy seems to be pulling off just fine, as it already manages to win over a lot of critics and action fans alike. But will it win over casual moviegoers as well? In the midst of blockbuster sequels that tend to continue the franchises’ story arcs, it’s nice to see an original story that has a beginning, middle, and end without hinting at a possible sequel. It’s a simple tale about a young man attempting to live a normal life, but keeps getting sucked into the world of crime for obvious reasons. I can see why a lot of people really liked this film. I think, to me, it’s because of its unique way of telling the story without being too simple. Not only that, but it also delivered the type of thrills that we’ve come to expect. Ansel Elgort leads a strong cast as Baby, who is possibly one of the most caring characters in film history, in my opinion. As the film went on, not only did I feel the same way as how he feels, I also learned about his reasons why he’s in this situation in the first place. He may be a getaway driver on the outside, but on the inside, he’s a kind and noble man who doesn’t want anyone to get hurt. Edgar Wright did a marvelous job at crafting this type of character and kudos to Elgort for bringing that character to life on the big screen. The rest of the cast also did a great job at portraying some interesting characters without overdoing one another. James, Spacey, Hamm, even Jamie Foxx put on one heck of a show. One of the most interesting aspects of the film was its soundtrack. This film has a lot of old songs from several artists such as The Beach Boys, Beck, and Queen, and here’s the best part, these songs actually drive the story and the action (no pun intended). I was really impressed with how they included the songs in different situations and how they match the same beats as the film’s sound effects. We usually see several action films that include certain songs to up the ante on the action, but I think this film should be appreciated more for its remarkable use of the soundtrack. While we are used to seeing action blockbusters that delivered on the thrills but lacked a well-written story, Edgar Wright managed to create a story that’s worth caring about, while also offering some fun thrills to boot. It’s a well-made balance of action and storytelling that a lot of critics have been searching for since the beginning of the summer. What’s more important for them is that it’s not based on anything. It’s completely original. Overall, with its unique storytelling, a great soundtrack, Wright’s direction, and a strong cast of interesting characters, it’s no wonder that “Baby Driver” is a job well done. I might be overhyping it a little bit, but I have to admit, this is one of the most unique action films that anyone has ever done. If you’re in a mood for something original in the midst of sequels and reboots, try checking this one out. A
1 Comment
6/29/2017 09:43:46 pm
I dug this film quite a bit, but not as much as you. Great review.
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