"Tangled" stars Mandy Moore, Zachary Levi, Donna Murphy, and Ron Perlman. Released on November 24, 2010, the film is about a young woman with long, magic hair who strikes a deal with a charming thief to spring her from her prison tower. The film is directed by Nathan Greno and Byron Howard, who is directing the upcoming Disney film, Zootopia. It is the 50th animated film in the Walt Disney Animation Classics series, and it is loosely based on the German fairy tale "Rapunzel" by the Brothers Grimm. Disney is known for creating breathtaking animated films that are fun and adventurous (and also fun). So, for their 50th animated feature, they decided to bring the classic story of Rapunzel to life while also making sure the story is suitable for both kids and adults. The film was originally titled "Rapunzel", but changed it to "Tangled" in order to appeal to both boys and girls. Before Frozen came along, I was in love with this movie since I first saw it in theaters five years ago. Looking back at this again, does it still hold up to my taste? The voice cast delivered some great performances, including Moore as Rapunzel. Again, a splendid choice from Disney. I really like the character of Rapunzel because she's courageous and loyal rather than just being a pretty face. Levi voices Flynn Rider, a charming thief who assists Rapunzel on her journey to the outside world. If I could describe Rider, I would say he's like the animated version of Chris Pratt just by the way he looks and the way he acts. Donna Murphy, who is known for her work in musical theater, voices the new Disney villain, Mother Gothel, a woman who raises Rapunzel as her own and keeps her in the tower so she can use her hair to keep herself young forever. All I can say about her is that she is a jerk! I mean, if she wants to live forever, she needs to go search for the fountain of youth. Even though Disney did a nice job with her character, she doesn't compete with the other Disney villains like Hook, Scar, or even Maleficent. However, I will definitely put her on my "Biggest Jerks in Film" list. The biggest highlight in the film was the animation itself. It was amazingly beautiful from start to finish. It's like actual art coming alive before my very eyes. The 'floating lanterns' sequence is one of my favorite sequences in terms of the animation and the cinematography. The humor is very well timed with the romance and drama, especially with Pascal and Maximus. Like the other Disney animated classics such as The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast, this film is also a musical. Though not memorable, the songs were fun to listen to and they successfully enhance the story and the characters. The pacing and editing were consistent with the running time. The film also expresses its themes about chasing your dreams. I've been chasing my dream of becoming a film critic despite a few obstacles in my path. I will continue chasing that dream, especially after watching this film again. Overall, with its fun characters, beautiful animation, and its mixture of comedy, romance, and adventure, "Tangled" continues Disney's tradition of creating fun and magical animated features. This is one of my favorite animated films of 2010 in terms of the story and the animation. I also think that Rapunzel is one of the hottest Disney princesses I've ever seen (Yeah, I really need to get out more). If you're a fan of Disney and/or animation, then this is worth checking out. A
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