"Pee-Wee's Big Holiday" stars Paul Reubens, Joe Manganiello, Jessica Pohly, and Alia Shawkat. Released on Netflix on March 18, 2016, the film has Pee-wee Herman taking his first ever holiday outside of his home town. The film is directed by John Lee and produced by Judd Apatow, known for directing films such as Knocked Up and Trainwreck. Pee-wee Herman has been very popular in the 1980s in terms of television shows and films, such as Pee-wee's Playhouse and the 1985 cult classic, Pee-wee's Big Adventure. A couple of decades later, comedian Paul Reubens is ready to don the grey tuxedo and red bow tie once again for another film that takes his iconic character to the real world. I've pretty much heard of Pee-wee Herman for quite some time, especially from Pee-wee's Big Adventure. So when I heard that Netflix is releasing a new Pee-wee Herman film, I became curious to see how it's going to work out. But the big question is, should people really care about the return of this quirky character? Pros: Some good performances. Reubens was really impressive as Pee-wee Herman. The humor was goofy, yet entertaining. The amount of charm was respectable. Supportive themes about life; experiencing the outside world instead of living in your comfort zone all the time. Cons: The screenplay was silly. A couple of jokes dragged a little. Can be a bit annoying for some people, like the humor and Reubens' character. Final thoughts: It does have its silly aspects, but "Pee-Wee's Big Holiday" has enough charm, humor, and entertainment values to make this a proper reintroduction to Reubens' fun-loving alter ego. It doesn't quite compete with Pee-wee's other outings, but as its own film, it's decent. Worth recommending to those who enjoy Pee-wee Herman. B-
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