"Ride Along 2" stars Ice Cube, Kevin Hart, Ken Jeong, Olivia Munn, and Benjamin Bratt. Released on January 15, 2016, the film has James Payton and Ben Barber traveling to Miami to bring down a crime lord. The film is directed by Tim Story, who also directed films such as Barbershop, Fantastic Four, and Think Like a Man. It is a sequel to the 2014 film, Ride Along, also directed by Story. I liked the first film in terms of the chemistry between the two main stars and its humor, so it would be interesting to see what this sequel has in store for me. Kevin Hart has been on a roll with his films over the past couple of years, but will he be able to continue that streak with this film? Pros: Some decent performances throughout. Good chemistry between Cube and Hart. Some of the humor was hilarious, but can be a bit tiring near the third act. Some consistent pacing. Cons: Benjamin Bratt's character is a weak and generic villain. Weak story and screenplay. A couple of underdeveloped characters. Final thoughts: While it does have some hilarious moments, especially from Hart, "Ride Along 2" is a generic, but enjoyable, sequel to the 2014 box office hit. If you like the first Ride Along film, you may or may not like this second outing. If you're a fan of Kevin Hart's crazy sense of humor, then I can assure you, he's got it all in this film. C
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