"The Darkness" stars Kevin Bacon, Radha Mitchell, David Mazouz, and Lucy Fry. Released on May 13, 2016, the film is about a family who is haunted by a supernatural force. The film is directed by Greg McLean, who also directed Wolf Creek, Rogue, and Wolf Creek 2. Let's face it, most people who like to get scared often go to watch horror films and there's nothing we can do about it. Some of the horror films we see can turn out great and some can be….well, you know. This latest film from producer Jason Blum is no exception. I won't go into any details on this one. It's a movie about supernatural beings haunting people. You can't get any simpler than that. In fact, this film is veeerrryy simple. Pros: The performances were so-so. Cons: The story is predictable and filled with horror cliches. Little to no character development. Weak screenplay. Some of the drama reminds me of multiple Lifetime television movies. Lucy Fry's character can be a bit annoying to some people. Poor direction. An anti-climatic ending. Final thoughts: Filled with unoriginality and horror cliches, "The Darkness" is better off alone in the dark. I think this is one of those films that might be suitable as a television film on a horror channel or on Netflix instead of a theatrical release. If you're a fan of watching films that involve the supernatural, this one might disappoint you. D-
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